
Dog Days Of December

Canine First Aid

Martha & Friends has a guest trainer Kim Sanctuary coming in January to offer our dog parents a Canine First Aid Class (once in German and once in English)!
In our First Aid Class dog owners will learn the basic dog vitals and statistics and how to measure those, how to treat and dress paw and head wounds, how to stabilise and transport your dogs body safely, how to clear the airway and revive the breathing function (CPR), plus more. The price is 75€ per person coming with their dog and 50€ per person coming without a dog.

Sunday 9 January 1000-1300 (German)
Sunday 23 January 1000-1300 (English)

To register please send us an email with the following information:

  • Name, and breed of your dog, date of birth
  • Your name, phone number and physical address
  • Whether you would like to book the German or English Course

Read the full article

Autorin:Carina Hellemaa