
Kids & Dogs And More!

Kids & Dogs!

Martha & Friends is launching our Kids & Dogs block courses starting in January for kids age 6-16!

We will start with two Young “Dog Owner” classes to be held on Mondays 1645-1745 (age 13-16) & Tuesdays 1600-1700 (age 10-12) starting 3 & 4 January every week for 16 weeks (with breaks for holidays). Our young “dog owners” (or potential dog owners) will learn the basics of how to care for their dogs. We will incorporate dog manners and etiquette, leash training, trick training, grooming & hygiene, diet, and what to do in emergency situations. Your child can join with or without their dog (we can provide them with a dog if necessary). As a prerequisite to this course (if bringing your own dog) you will need to bring both your dog and child to an introductory appointment. The fee for 1 hour per week for 16 weeks is 350€ per child.

Read the full article

Autorin:Carina Hellemaa