Where Dogs Meet Dogs!
Where Dogs Meet Dogs!
Your dog may have any number of reactions when meeting other dogs, but we all would like these encounters to be calm and enjoyable!
In the next weeks our trainers at Martha & Friends are going to offer both a 10-week course in English and German on Saturdays 12.30-13.30 as well as a full weekend workshop (Saturday 5 November and Sunday 6 November with 11 hours of intensive course work) also in English and German to work on Dog Meets Dog scenarios.
In the weekend workshop you and your teammates will learn the origins of each dog’s social issues and how and why these problems evolved. During the first day, everyone will have the opportunity to explain and demonstrate their dog’s individual issues. The trainers will make videos of the various interactions and we will have a theory and video analysis to breakdown the dogs’ interactions and the significance behind their reactivity. During the second day, we will have practical training outdoors (weather permitting) with leash training, working on the communication between the dog and their owner and discussing individual solutions to make for a relaxed outing for each participant. Saturday we have training 1400-2000 and Sunday 1000-1600.
The 10 week course follows the format of the weekend workshop, however, the pace is more relaxed and you have time between the course each week to work on specific tasks from the training and save any questions that may arise for your next Saturday class. The 10-week course starts on Saturday 22 October. However, if you know if advance that you will miss a class, you can just let us know by email and we can schedule you an alternative 1 hour course that is compatible to the training you may miss.
Each course costs 275€. You may register by email at info@marthaandfriends.lu or via our booking software ProPets at https://dogwellness.propetware.com/